● consumer products, product liability ................................................................
human factors in relation to accidents involving premises, machinery,
equipment, products, facilities, workplace activities, driving, etc. ..........................
Forensic Specialties ▪ Types of accidents and incidents that we work
links to Forensic Specialties, summaries and details
Work in the forensic specialties listed above often may involve work in the Basic Specialties below.
workplace accidents, incidents and operations at industrial, commercial
and extraction facilities ..........................................................................................
premises accidents, premises liability, including building and property
safety, slips & falls, trips & falls, falls into voids, falls from heights .........................
equipment and equipment systems - including machinery, instrumentation,
controls, and connections - at industrial, commercial, extraction, farm & forest,
and construction facilities and sites ........................................................................
workplace accidents, incidents, operations, activities and conditions at
construction, and farm & forest sites ...................................................
traffic crashes, traffic accidents, motor vehicle accidents, including
on-road and off-road, road construction sites - and involving vehicles,
pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists - with potential issues of roadway
maintenance, design, and safety, including signage, traffic light operation,
roadway configuration and roadway condition ........................................................
chemicals, gases and materials, including chemical explosions, chemical
contact, e.g. from concrete, and materials and fastener failures ............................
● fires and explosions involving equipment and industrial facilities ........................
hazardous combustion, including furnace and boiler explosions and
equipment & system operations causing carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning*.........
*equipment operations causing CO poisoning most commonly involve combustion equipment, such as furnaces, heaters, grills, emergency power generators, etc. and HVAC systems (heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems) in residential, commercial and industrial facilities
safety design and the safety design hierarchy, in relation to engineering
analysis of accidents and the safety of consumer products, machinery,
equipment, facilities, etc. ......................................................................................................................
warnings for consumer products, machinery, equipment, workplace activities,
public, private and workplace facilities, etc. ...............................................................................
safeguards, including barrier guards, light curtains, dual operating buttons,
safety instrumentation, etc., for consumer products, machinery, equipment,
public, private and workplace facilities, etc. ...........................................................
codes, standards, safety regulations and recommended practices, including
ADA, OSHA, ANSI Codes and Regulations - applicable to products, machinery,
equipment, workplace activities, operations and facilities, etc. ...............................
Click on 'summary' buttons below to go to the summaries on the Forensic Specialties page or 'details' buttons below to go to the specific page, for the particular specialty, which contains more details about the specialty.
In all the Forensic Specialties that are listed above, a significant aspect of the analysis is often the involvement of one of more of the Basic Specialties which are discussed below, whether as an integral part of the particular Forensic Specialty, or of the accident being considered. These Basic Specialties, which are involved in so many other Forensic Specialties are:
Basic Specialties ▪ part of much of the work with other Forensic Specialties
Use Control F, 'Ctrl' + 'F', to locate specific words on this page. Use Search Box below for all pages.
over 30 Years Investigating, Analyzing, Reconstructing & Testifying about Accidents
Forensic Engineering & Scientific Accident Reconstruction
about Sr Forensic Engineer
> Traffic Accidents, Crashes |
> Premises, Bldg, Property |
incl. Slips, Trips & Falls |
> Workplace - Industrial, |
Commercial, Construction, |
Farm, Forest, Extraction |
> Equipment and Machinery |
> Equip. Fire or Explosion,  |
> Hazardous Combustion, |
incl. Carbon Monoxide  |
(CO) death or poisoning |
> Consumer Products |
> Chemicals and Materials |
incl. Gases & Compounds |
Basic Forensic Specialties
Main Forensic Specialties
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction
Copyright 2011, 2012, 2015, 2016, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022 by Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction, and by James D. Madden, P.E. All rights reserved.
This website contains photographs which are licensed with restrictions that prohibit downloading, reproduction, re-publication or re-transmission.
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction, through its Senior Forensic Engineer, James D. Madden, P.E., a licensed Professional Engineer, and Board Certified Diplomate Forensic Engineer, has performed Accident Investigations, Engineering Analyses and Accident Reconstructions routinely for accidents / incidents and cases located in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, and New York, in the technical areas which are noted in this website, as well as providing expert reports and testifying in court proceedings in these states in the capacity of an Expert Witness, including depositions, arbitrations and/or trials. Forensic Engineering work has also performed in, and/or for cases in, West Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Maryland, North Carolina, Vermont, Kansas and Utah, with testimony in deposition and court in West Virginia and Kansas.
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction, through its Senior Forensic Engineer, James D. Madden, P.E., a licensed Professional Engineer, and Board Certified Diplomate Forensic Engineer, has performed Accident Investigations, Engineering Analyses and Accident Reconstructions for accidents / incidents and cases in the metropolitan areas of Cleveland, Akron, Canton, Toledo, Warren, Youngstown, Mansfield, Columbus, Dayton, Cincinnati, Lima, Findlay, Marietta and Steubenville, Ohio, as well elsewhere throughout Ohio, and the metropolitan areas of Pittsburgh and Erie, Pennsylvania, as well as elsewhere throughout western and central Pennsylvania, and the metropolitan areas of Detroit, Ann Arbor, Lansing, Flint and Port Huron, Michigan, as well as elsewhere in southern Michigan, and the metropolitan areas of Buffalo and Syracuse, New York, as well as elsewhere in western and central New York state. In many of these areas James D. Madden, P.E. has provided expert reports and testified in the capacity of an Expert Witness in court proceedings, including depositions, arbitrations and/or trials.
Latest updates to the overall document and activity counts (reports, affidavits, cases, trials, and depositions), and counts of the number of individual specialty cases reported in this website were completed 7/15/2020. The updates of the overall document and activity counts and the counts of the number of individual specialty cases for the period between 12/2007 and 7/15/2020 were based only on the documents produced, and thus are under-counts (i.e. cases without a report or affidavit were not included in the counts).
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction
1700 West Market Street, Suite 318, Akron, Ohio 44313
or contact us for our Cleveland Ohio address
phone: 440-838-0640 or 440-832-9540, fax: 440-838-1192
Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction, through its Senior Forensic Engineer James D. Madden, P.E., is available for Accident Investigations, Engineering Analyses, Accident Reconstructions, and testimony in depositions, hearings, arbitrations, and trials, for cases located throughout North America.